How long does it take?

Apartments are allocated on the basis of the time spent in the housing queue. Not everyone is looking for the same housing. Because of this, the queue time varies between different apartments.

How long you have to wait ranges between a couple of months up to 20 years or more. The average time in the queue is a little over 9 years (2022) and the majority of people get an apartment within 5,8 to 12,4 years.

How long you have to wait to get an apartment depends on a number of factors

How long you have to wait depends on a number of factors, including where you want to live and the kind of rent you can afford. When searching for an apartment it is important to keep in mind that the housing queue is not one long queue. For each advertised apartment a seperate queue is made up with those interested in that specific apartment. 

Learn more about queue times for different areas

Through our statistics service you can get a feel of how long it takes to get an apartment in a specific area. Choose the area you want to know more about under "Stadsdel" (district). Click here to go to our statistics service

Queue times for different types of housing

The queue times varies between different types of housing. For senior housing you had to wait on average 10,8 years during 2022. The average queue time for student housing was 4,4 years and for short-term lease 11,3 years. If you move to a student apartment or sign a short-term lease your time in the queue will not be affected.

The queue time is often shorter for newly developed housing

If you are in need of housing in the very near future, a good advice is to search for newly produced housing. The queue time is often shorter. During 2022 the average queue time for newly developed housing was 6,9 years.