International students

If you are a student or planning to attend a university, college, post-secondary vocational education or higher vocational education in Stockholm you can apply for student housing for the time you study. The number of credits required to rent student housing depends on the requirements set by the landlord. The letting requirements are listed in the advertisement. 


You have to be 18 years old to register at Bostadsförmedlingen. The fee is SEK 200 per year. Student housing is allocated on the basis of time spent in the housing queue so the sooner you register, the greater the chance to get an apartment. You may register with us before applying for an education.

In 2023, we allocated 3 586 student apartments. The average queue time was 4.5 years, but 667 student apartments had a queue time of less than 1 year.

Personal identity numbers and coordination numbers

Most landlords require you to have a Swedish personnummer (personal identity number) or samordningsnummer (coordination number) in order to apply for their apartments.

Personal identity numbers are issued to persons living in Sweden, when they are registered in the Swedish Population Register. If you are staying for more than a year in Sweden you need to apply for a personal identity number.

Coordination numbers are valid for a limited time. They are what you usually get when you are a foreign student, staying in Sweden for a shorter period of time. If you have been issued with a coordination number and you are subsequently listed in the Swedish Population Register, your coordination number will be replaced with a personal identity number.

You can register with us and start collecting queue time before you have received your personal identity number or coordination number.

It is the Swedish Tax Agency that issues personal identity numbers and coordination numbers. The process can take up to three months, so you have to plan ahead and apply before you actually need an apartmen. Read more about how to go about it on their website.

Information about personal identity numbers on the Swedish Tax Agency's website

Information about coordination numbers on the Swedish Tax Agency's website  

How to register with Bostadsförmedlingen

  1. Fill out, sign this form and take a picture of it.
    Registration form for international students (pdf)
  2. Email it to Bostadsförmedlingen. You will find the email adress in the form. 

How to create a password for your account 

In order to search for vacant apartments you need to create an account with a password. You can create the passord after you have recived a confirmation from us by email informing you are registered at Bostadsförmedlingen.
How to create a password (pdf)

Note that you need to use the same email in your registration form and password account. You also need to confirm your email adress sent to you via email.

How to log in to Mina sidor (My pages)

Once your password is created you can log into Mina sidor at Bostadförmedlingen and start searching for vacant apartments.
How to log in to Mina sidor (pdf).


You will find information on how to pay on Mina sidor.